Worship and Music: We plan, oversee, and receive feedback about worship life at St. John's. If you'd like to share your ideas or feedback, we meet up on the second Sunday of each month after worship as we seek to proclaim and provide Christ's word to all who gather. Chairperson - Darcy McConahy
Altar Guild: Altar Guild members work in teams preparing the altar and chancel for all services held in the church. Responsibilities include the care and placement of paraments and altar cloths, placement and distribution of altar flowers, providing bread for communion services, and preparing the chancel for all special services. Chairperson - Maureen Potsko
Evangelism: We look around to see what our surrounding communities need, and seek ways to meet them with our congregation's gifts and outreach as a congregation in Christ's name and image. Chairperson needed
Social Ministry: We oversee some of the larger-scale, coordinated efforts and partnerships of our congregation for feeding the wider community, giving blood, and more. After all, it is a good way to proclaim the Risen One in feeding the multitudes and to give away one's blood for the sake of others. Chairperson - Bill Slotter
Christian Education: We oversee and maintain our congregation's Sunday School program and other educational services, helping form young disciples of Jesus, providing them with mysteries to explore, questions to ponder, and answers to rejoice at age appropriate levels. Chairperson needed
Willing Workers: Our women's service group meets at our church at 1:00 PM on the first Friday of each month. We gather together for fellowship and fun and plan projects that provide funds to serve our church and our community. We search for creative ways to help those who are in need. All women are welcome to join our active group. Chairperson - Peggy Hudock
Property: The Property Committee is responsible for the maintenance and protection of all property of the congregation, except that which is devoted to cemetery use. The committee meets on an ad hoc basis to ensure that the property of the church is kept in good repair. Chairperson - Jerry Bassett Fellowship: Formerly our 250th Anniversary team, we help plan and prepare for the Church's gatherings - including our Annual Picnic, the Pork and Sauerkraut Dinner, brunches, and more. Chairpersons - Joan Seiger and Kathie Sensinger
Stewardship: We identify gifts within the congregation, point out opportunities to help out through time and talents, and are on the lookout for opportunities to contribute in meaningful ways. Chairperson needed
Finance: We oversee the economic and financial obligations and gifts of the congregation - doing honor to those who serve us in providing utilities and services, and to those whom we have made commitments to support. Chairperson - Richard Krauss
Cemetery Committee: We manage the congregation's Cemetery, and maintain its records; doing honor to those who lay there. We prayerfully arrange committals to our cemetery, and support families along the way. Chairperson - Randy Felten