Our Bridge Pastor Rev. Bruce Todd (beginning January 2025)
Our Staff Carol Dzurenda ………… Organist Darcy McConahy ………… Choir Director Joseph Brooke………… Sexton Liz Bergey ………… Secretary
The Council Stephen Spry ………… President Maureen Potsko………… Vice President Kathleen Afflerbach ………… Secretary Richard Krauss………… Treasurer Jerry Bassett Ken Butz Colton Landes
Leading Worship: Are you looking for a way to serve God and deepen your faith among the congregation? Consider helping out with our weekly worship services. We’re hoping to add more Communion Assistants, Lectors, Ushers, and Greeters to our rotation. Every member can help - young and old. Ask the pastor or a member of the Worship and Music Committee to learn more.