Stewards of the Month 2024 December Jim Westgate November The Transition Team - for all their hard work October Matt Landis - for the contributions he's made and all the hard work he's done for "Trunk or Treat". September Kelly McCartney - because of her work with the children during the worship service. August Randy & Becky Felten - for starting up the relationship with Christ's Lutheran in Trumbauersville and the FEAST Pantry. April Altar Guild for all their hard work February Larry Seiger - for all his work as Financial Secretary January Rob McConahy and Carol Dzurenda for all their work coordinating, managing and recording the 4th Sunday in Advent recorded service.
Each week in our bulletin there appears a list of people for whom congregation members are asked to pray. The names are read during every church service and are listed in the bulletin for six weeks and then removed, but can be re-added for as long as necessary. To add a name to the prayer list - or to renew a listing - please contact the church office at 215-536-0734, Monday, Wednesday or Thursday, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. or e-mail at stjohnsspinnerstown@ Prayer Circle is ready and waiting for your requests. If you know someone in need of prayer – or if you would like to join the circle and expand our collective voice – please call Loretta Thorsen at 215-679-2356 or Joan Seiger at 215-257-7478.
Home Visits If you would like to receive Holy Communion but have been unable to attend Worship, you are welcome to call the Church Office and schedule a visitation with a Pastor.
Leading Worship: Are you looking for a way to serve God and deepen your faith among the congregation? Consider helping out with our weekly worship services. We’re hoping to add more Communion Assistants, Lectors, Ushers, and Greeters to our rotation. Every member can help - young and old. Ask the pastor or a member of the Worship and Music Committee to learn more.
Narcotics Anonymous: St. John's hosts an NA home group for the benefit of the community on Saturdays at 10:00am. All who struggle with addiction are welcome.