Bulletins$20 to help cover the expense of mailing the bulletin to our members who do not have email and cannot come to worship. "Spire" Newsletters $30/month for one person/family, or you can split the sponsorship for $15 each. Altar Flowers - beginning January 1, 2025: $20 each/$40 for 2. Sign up on the board by the kitchen or contact the office at [email protected] or 215-536-0734. Thank you!
Payments can be placed in a separate envelope marked Altar Flowers, Bulletins, or Spire, along with the amount, your name and envelope number, and placed in the weekly offering plate during services or mailed to St. John’s Lutheran Church PO Box 120 Spinnerstown, PA 18968. Now you can also pay by using the Vanco link on our homepage! Thank you!